Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Day 9: Back Home

Sunday, September 12, 2010: The drive back to Mountain View from Lassen was speedy down Highway 5 even for our Westy whose top speed is 55 mph on a completely flat surface with a tail wind. Her 0-to-60 time is actually infinite. We reveled in how well she did on the trip. Other than some leaks in the gas line when when the tank was full, she did just fine.

Total trip miles: 1300
MPG: roughly 20 (it became impossible to measure as soon as we realized that filling the tank to capacity made the gas lines leak)
Highest altitude: 10,000 feet
Hottest temperature: 85 degrees
Coolest temperature: 38 degrees

1 comment:

  1. I love your pictures. I haven't been up to see the Redwoods in years and that is one of my favorite spots on earth. It is always sad when your trip comes to an end.
